All of the ugliest & prettiest places are sourced from user responses. If you don’t agree, you can submit your own here or email us about making an edit.
Shangri La
The ugliest thing in Tbilisi. Whichever mayor approved its construction, I hope he is enjoying the bribe.via online review
Shangri La
Horrible place. They should demolish this terrible place. Out of context, full of strange people and even scary and dangerous.via online review
Wissol Building
“Wissol” building in Chavchavadze Ave. The city is divided in two parts while assessing this building. Some claim that it looks like a banana, while others stubbornly insist that itis more like a cake. I’m somewhere in the middle, I suppose it is a banana cake which I want to devour and make it vanish.
via online review
Georgian National University SEU
Initially, this building was just nondescript and ugly. After it was crowned with a scrap construction, the building has become outstandingly ugly
via online review
Soviet Building
#tbilisi #ugly Some of the late, Soviet-era architecture is just god awful. Here's an example.
via twiiter
Dzveli Tbilisi
My Tbilisi is a melting pot, a polyglot, multi-ethnic, multy-faith place where East meets West and Old meets New
via @happy_to_be__
Mother of Georgia
It's not a visit to Tbilisi without visiting Kartlis Deda (Mother of Georgia) which dominates the city from the top at 50 meters.
via @pascalinja
Mother of Georgia
Holding a chalice of wine in one hand and a sword in the other, Mother Georgia gazing over Tbilisi.
via @shaifalytyagi