All of the ugliest & prettiest places are sourced from user responses. If you don’t agree, you can submit your own here or email us about making an edit.
They say beauty is in the eye of the beholder. But every time you hear that phrase being used, it’s invariably an excuse for something being ugly. Property agents might have to use this phrase a lot when dealing with some of these Singapore condos.
via online review
The blockish, undifferentiated towers look like someone tried to save money by having one blueprint drawn up, and then replacing the architect with a photocopier.
via online review
Sim Lim Square
Sim Lim Square is a place that is infested with snakes. Horrible, horrible people.via twitter
Sim Lim Square
6 floors of computer accessories, and a proof that the retail is losing a battle against online stores.
via @poznajsingapur
Sim Lim Square
walao, the Singapore Sim Lim Square scam is really bad business, buyers also should avoid buying from this placevia twitter
The crowd at geylang reminds me of how much I hate people.via twiiter
Idk how ppl can survive the crowd and the heat at geylangvia twitter
Orchard Plaza
It's a thief in the night To come and grab you It can creep up inside you And consume you A disease of the mind It can control you It's too close for comfort.
via @fanyadafanti
Sri Mariamman Temple
Fiery sunset at the oldest Hindu temple in Singapore, the Sri Mariamman.
Abdul Gafoor Mosque
I ran into this beautiful mosque, I liked its color scheme and totem
via @shi_yi_lin
Botanic Gardens
Dedication to the shot from @samirainlondon here, the bottom of her jump suit got soaked! - Botanic Gardens, Singapore.
via @saunderscb