All of the ugliest & prettiest places are sourced from user responses. If you don’t agree, you can submit your own here or email us about making an edit.
Port Authority Bus Terminal
A billion oysters + 5,000 toilets = what it smells like behind Port Authority Bus Terminalvia twitter
Port Authority Bus Terminal
Can we all just agree that the best course of action is to burn this MF to the ground and start fresh? Build a new Port Authority Bus Terminal. Arguably worse than Penn Station.
via @sethmorganmusic
Port Authority Bus Terminal
Not sure what's worse. Boston's #SouthStation Bus terminal, or #NYC's #portauthority. -- wait nvm the Port Authority is much worse.via twitter
Port Authority Bus Terminal
I think I'd pick a seven hour flight over a 300 mile bus ride any day #leastfavoritetravel #portauthorityisgross
via @photonicole
Port Authority Bus Terminal
Dear Port Authority: fuck you 1,000 times over. The most poorly managed disgusting shithole in the country, really, fuck youvia twitter
Port Authority Bus Terminal
A terrible wave of depression just washed over me and I don't even have to be at Port Authority for another 6 hours.via twitter
Penn Station
The man next to me at Penn Station is popping pimples in his beard then eating it. #barfvia twitter
Penn Station
I've said it before, and I'll say it again: Penn Station is the butthole of the universevia twitter
Penn Station
Six big generous fans in the Penn Station waiting room. One blew my Amtrak ticket right out of my shirt. Good times
via twitter
Penn Station
Horror Movie Pitch: Penn Station right before a holiday weekend.via twitter
Penn Station
Oh my god #PennStation smells like sewagevia twitter
Penn Station
Some days I don't mind commuting. Other days I want 2 punch everyone in Penn station in the face. #LIRRvia twitter
Penn Station
Three day weekend means three days of not having to see the guy who masturbates in Penn Station every morning!via twitter
Penn Station
Avoid everything at Penn Station, besides the McDonalds maybe.via twitter
Penn Station
If you're interested in losing faith in humanity check out Penn Station when they announce the track # to a beach destination.via twitter
Penn Station
All y'all in penn station are TRYING me todayvia twitter
Penn Station
Small place in hell reserved for people who block the screens at Penn Station.via twitter
Penn Station
mickduzyj: Penn Station men’s room sinks: you’re absolutely disgusting and barely work, but I’ll miss it.
via @mickduzyj
Penn Station
Every time I'm at penn station to get on a train I feel like it's a game of flag football while waiting for the track number to appearvia twitter
Times Square
Saw a dead rat with blood gushing out on the sidewalk of Times Square... so grossvia twitter
Times Square
There are so many things about Times Square that I hate. But the worst thing by far is the old women who play Disney characters with their Minnie Mouse heads in the nook of their arm while smoking a cigarette. That shit makes me INDESCRIBABLY depressed.via twitter
Times Square
fuck times square and everything it stands forvia twitter
Times Square
#tbt that time @chelseaanunn forced me to pose with the tourists on the Times Square Tkts madness. I'm so happy to be there it's hard to contain myself. #timesquaresucks #hateyouall
via @emilyrose1321
Alfonse M. D'Amato U.S. Courthouse
D'Amato courthouse in CIcharmless as ever. Soul-free wind tunnel. Brutalist architectural disaster.via twitter
Alfonse M. D'Amato U.S. Courthouse
The Al D'Amato Federal Courthouse in East Islip, Long Island, is the scariest, coldest, creepiest courthouse I've ever been in. It's only 20 years old, too. Brutalist, for sure. Fittingly named for a corrupt pol.
via twitter
Alfonse M. D'Amato U.S. Courthouse
D'Amato: Yikes, that’s a big, ugly courthousevia twitter
Grand Central Terminal
Beautiful Grand Central Station! Whoa what a place! Just gorgeous!via twitter
Grand Central Terminal
#NYFW Me + @heygorjess spent the afternoon with @bumbleandbumble at the @ClubMonaco show!
via @ownbyfemmeHello
Grand Central Terminal
Grand Central Station, 42nd Street, is THE most beautiful buildingvia twitter
Grand Central Terminal
Why didn't anyone tell me the ceiling in Grand Central is like a gorgeous, lit up astronomical mural?
via @leahology
Grand Central Terminal
Grand Central Station is just breathtakingly beautiful!via twitter
Grand Central Terminal
@MissDixieTheDog loved walking/biking from #CityHall to #GrandCentral for #SummerStreetsNYC.
via @thepacorazzi
The High Line
Touristing around NYC is downright expensive. Take advantage of The High Line, a railroad turned elevated walking path. The High Line is filled with art work, plants and unique views of the city.
via @brokegaltravels
Central Park
Central Park was exactly as I imagined it would be: people having picnics, people cycling, people jogging, people sunbathing, lots of dogs being walked, hot dog carts. It is such a beautiful day!via twitter
Central Park
It is good to find the love of your life every day in the same person. I love you.
via @becapazzini
Central Park
i’m sitting in the sun on a bench in Central Park wearing my favorite mini skirt and eating a lemon bar i don’t think i could be more at easevia twitter