The Ugliest Places
in the World

All of the ugliest & prettiest places are sourced from user responses. If you don’t agree, you can submit your own here or email us about making an edit.

Ugliest Places

Beetham Tower

That Beetham tower has to be the single ugliest thing I've seen on all my travels.

via twitter

Beetham Tower

Visual pollution. Surrounding buildings are low-rise, and then there is this building.

via online review

Beetham Tower

Beetham Tower should win ugliest building every year.

via twitter

Piccadilly Gardens

Piccadilly gardens is fucking depressing

via twitter

Piccadilly Gardens

This was the mess left behind after a sunny day in Piccadilly Gardens - and it's 'utterly unacceptable'

via twitter

Piccadilly Gardens

Guarantee this will hit Piccadilly Gardens soon. The trash there love anything that causes misery, pain and suffering it seems.

via twitter

Piccadilly Gardens

Piccadilly "Gardens", one of the worst city centres I've seen in my life. At least fountain is working. #shit #dontgothere #miserable

via @pparcheta

Piccadilly Gardens

another commotion in piccadilly gardens, someone must be trying to commit suicide again

via twitter

Piccadilly Gardens

'Dirty' and 'depressing': Piccadilly Gardens is Manchester's worst attraction

via twitter

Piccadilly Gardens

6AM Piccadilly Gardens is like a zombie film

via twitter

Piccadilly Gardens

Meanwhile in Piccadilly gardens theres an invasion of crack robots

via twitter


Prettiest Places

Manchester Town Hall

Manchester Town Hall

via @joshualewiscox

Manchester Cathedral

Sometimes we live so fast that we do not stop to think about all the beautiful things that are happening to us

via @pecas__


D U S K - Autumn it’s so beautiful in the sunshine. The sun reflected beautifully off the golden leaves yesterday.

via @thefelicitydiary


Castlefield reflections by @niallpkelly Where is your favourite spot in Manchester to photograph the city?

via @ilovemanchester

Chetham's Library


via @iamsuzannemurphy

Chetham's Library

The oldest public reference library in the UK.

via @tripluto

Worsley Village

via @mjwilkins88

Worsley Village

Late run

via @ritavanba


Manchester, UK

The Ugliest Places
in the World