All of the ugliest & prettiest places are sourced from user responses. If you don’t agree, you can submit your own here or email us about making an edit.
PJ Trade Centre
looks like build half way ran out of money so just put up some back boards as front lol.
via online review
M-City Modern Duplex
this building has imposing presencevia online review
Amber Court Hotel
Amber court is a very scary building!via twitter
In Kuala Lumpur, we are fond of bulldozing away old buildings & public spaces and erect ugly skyscrapers where entry is restricted to the privileged few.
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"The back alleys around Puduraya do not look safe for anyone to walk alone."
via online review
Jalan Dewan Sultan Sulaiman
for those few of us weirdoes who do like to walk, it’s an endless obstacle course to avoid falling into a hole or having to go around cars and motorbikes left on the sidewalk with complete disregard for those on foot.
via online review
Jalan Dewan Sultan Sulaiman
"It looked like an area for drug dens. It very likely is. On the way out of the area, we nearly stepped on a smashed dead rat. I felt sick."
via online review
M101 Skywheel
Who the fuck approved this fucking design for the M101 Skywheel Kuala Lumpur. It will be the ugliest building in the entire universe.
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Sri Mahamariamman Temple
The #Sri #Mahamariamman Temple is the oldest Hindu temple in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. Founded in 1873.
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Sultan Abdul Samad Building
this was the first public building in Malaysia designed in the Mogul (or Indo-Saracenic) style.