All of the ugliest & prettiest places are sourced from user responses. If you don’t agree, you can submit your own here or email us about making an edit.
Hartley Flats
Barfhaus = Poor relation of: Bauhaus-derived International Stylevia online review
Gables Speer Blvd
"Digitization permitted the developers of Gables Speer Boulevard to fill its triangular lot to capacity, and that’s why the gormless building takes on such an unpleasant bulky and blocky shape that strikes such an oppressive pose on the street."
via online review
Elan Union Station
"This ill-conceived style is the mullet of n’architecture. Whereas the haircut is business in the front and party in the back, a Chicagoogie building is business at the bottom, party on top.”
via online review
Via Apartments
"Breathtaking in its profound gracelessness, the L-shaped VIA fills every inch of its L-shaped lot."
via online review
Dakota Lofts
"No other n’architectural style has taken hold as firmly as Arts & Craps. Essentially a kitsch response to the Arts & Crafts movement of the early twentieth century, the first Arts & Craps buildings were thrown up in the 1990s."
via online review
Ugliest building in #LoDo, desperately in need of the wrecking ball.. The closed pawn shop on 15th & Champa.. #Denver
via twitter
Washington Park
Wow, two houses within one block and 24 hours! Thanks to @gunlockhomesdenver for contributing to the trashing of Wash Park!
via @greyhawkins
These neighbors lived down the block and took beyond meticulous care of their home. This really makes me sad
via @ms_klio
The Prado
the building’s overall shape resembles nothing so much as a gigantic concrete wedding cake — from one of those bakers who won’t make them for same-sex couples.via online review
The Prado
If Donald Trump were a building, he’d be Baroque-a-cola: It’s bombastic, pretentious, clumsy, tacky and absolutely over the top, just like he isvia online review
Denver Botanic Gardens
When you’re too busy/lazy to drive to the mountains but you still want to see some leaf changing action so you head to your local botanical garden.