All of the ugliest & prettiest places are sourced from user responses. If you don’t agree, you can submit your own here or email us about making an edit.
Convention Center
Just incase anyone was wondering, the Columbus convention center is still uglyvia twitter
Convention Center
still can't believe #columbus tore down union station to build this horrifically ugly convention center, what a disastervia twitter
Convention Center
The Columbus convention center has the worst theft problem I've ever seen at an event location.via twitter
Convention Center
#Sopanorama from the Columbus Convention Center - where Trump just blasted a fire marshal again.
via twitter
Convention Center
I keep getting reminded at how #Columbus is terrible at everything. Even our convention center is crap!via twitter
Ohio Theater
Oh how I love the Ohio Theater...via twitter
Ohio Theater
I took the image above at the beautiful Ohio Theatre. I greatly enjoyed this experience and am thankful for the Columbus Visual team for the opportunity.
via @columbusvisuals
Ohio Theater
The Ohio Theater in Columbus is absolutely gorgeous.via twitter
Ohio Theater
I couldn’t be more thankful, every year I fall in love all over again with the human race.
via @oliviamlewis__