All of the ugliest & prettiest places are sourced from user responses. If you don’t agree, you can submit your own here or email us about making an edit.
Just so you know New Zealand has some ugly bits, filming for Lord of the Rings did not take place in this carpark
via @auntybuzzy
It's as if Auckland is having a secret competition to create the ugliest, least human-friendly buildings.via Twitter
The 1950s Modernist Civic Building located in the heart of the city was probably "modern" at one stage.
via Online Review
Herald readers have nominated more ugly buildings in Auckland. Examples of the worst have flooded in, but no reader has nominated the best
via Online Source
Auckland should be renamed to "City of ugly buildings" or "City of shoe box apartments"via Twitter
One Tree Hill
One Tree Hill is a favourite place to go to enjoy the peacefulness within Central Auckland amongst grassland, trees, and sheep.
via Online Review