The Ugliest Places
in the World

All of the ugliest & prettiest places are sourced from user responses. If you don’t agree, you can submit your own here or email us about making an edit.

Ugliest Places

Preston Bus Station

Preston bus station. I don't care what people say; you're ugly, filthy & a mess. The sooner you're replaced the better.

via twitter

Preston Bus Station

The building was threatened with demolition as part of the City Council's Tithebarn redevelopment project. After two unsuccessful attempts it was granted Grade II listed building status in September 2013.

via @mikeweave

Preston Bus Station

I know it's important, but Preston bus station really is one of the most monumentally ugly and depressing structures in UK!

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Preston Bus Station

Preston Bus station..sorry it may be historic but boy is it ugly...

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Preston Bus Station

Is there anything more depressing than hearing somebody throw up in Preston bus station? That answer would be no.

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Preston Bus Station

preston bus station is the most confusing annoying disgusting place ever

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Preston Bus Station


via @icuerden

Preston Bus Station

Its great being from Preston, famous for an ugly bus station and now undrinkable water #sickofboilingthe kettle!

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Preston Bus Station


via @carriefitzgerald

Preston Bus Station

What an ugly building!! it's a hideous concrete carbuncle, sorry, but it isn't exactly in keeping with British style.

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Preston Bus Station

Preston bus station must be one of the most depressing places on the planet

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Prettiest Places

Preston England Temple

via @jennargreenwood

Preston England Temple

Preston England Temple is a fucking wonder to look at

via twitter

Preston England Temple

...It brings a little peace and clarity to my soul though it also is a place where joy and sadness are felt together again. .

via @the_hearty_life

Preston England Temple

I'll never grow tired of capturing temple photos!

via @nataliecoultasphoto

Preston England Temple

Heaven on Earth — at Preston England Temple

via twitter

Preston England Temple

I love to see the temple

via @little.chou


Preston, GB

The Ugliest Places
in the World